
Anger Management

Are You A Slave To Your Anger? Don’t You Think It’s Time You Took Control And Got Your Life Back?

anger management

If you have issues with anger than this will be the most important thing you’re going to read because your life CAN change today.
Don’t get me wrong, anger is a natural and necessary emotion that has its place in our lives, it can be a tool to motivate us to change our circumstances if we’re not happy with them, it can also stimulate our evolutionary flight or fight response in reaction to dangerous situations.

So as you see, anger does have its place, however when it escalates and becomes destructive to both ourselves and to those around us, it becomes a serious problem.
Your Anger Is A Silent Killer
Living with anger physically changes the body’s biochemistry releasing toxins into your bloodstream slowly poisoning you, this is why anger is known as the silent killer.

Living like this for years eventually catches up and manifests itself in the form of health issues.  Most people aren’t even aware of the damage they’re causing their own body until one day they have a major heart attack and wonder how it could have happened.  It’s not until they understand that their anger was a contributing factor to their health condition that they finally realize their heart attack was a long time in the making.

Did you know that those who live with chronic anger are more at risk of heart disease, stroke, impaired immune system, higher blood pressure and cholesterol levels than those not living with chronic anger?  So it pays to control your anger and not let it control you.

That’s just the physical cost of anger, what about the emotional and psychological aspects?  What is it costing you in terms of your relationships with your loved ones?  Is it driving a wedge between your and your family?  Is it stealing the joy from your life?  The isolation and the loneliness you experience living with chronic anger can be the highest price of all.


Do You Live With Chronic Anger?

Are Your Family Or Friends Afraid Of Your Temper?

If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, you more than likely have an anger problem that you need to address now if you want to have the closeness with loved ones and quality of life that your anger has been robbing you of.

Product Price: $9.95
License: Master Resale Rights

Category: Self Help PLRFile Size:  21.1 MB


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