They Say Multiple Streams Of Income Is The Way To Riches. Well Now You Can Top Up Both Your PayPal & ClickBank Accounts Simultaneously & Earn A Massive 100% Commission Paid Instantly Into Your PayPal Account!
So why have an affiliate site? Or more specifically, why have an article-based website dedicated to a specific subject?
Well there are a few reasons for this..
- More pages indexed in the search engine results page. With a single page and single offer you have very little exposure on the web. With an article site your net is cast wider and the search engines will index several pages of your site rather than just the one.
- Catering for the right kind of people! When you have a site dedicated to a specific niche, or a niche within a niche, you drill down on what people are already searching for and are aware of. These people know what they want and have a good idea of what information they’re looking for. Hence it’s easier to make a sale.
- You’re drilling down on a specific niche! This opens up opportunities to provide products and recommendations on very specific products highly relevant to the content that’s on your website. No need to guess what the visitor wants or what they will buy. Chances are, if they’re already on your website, they’re a hot buyer!
- Ability to get traffic from many sources! Because you’re drilling down on specific niches with many pages just waiting to be indexed by the search engines you have the opportunity to target keywords and key-phrases, which inevitably can send a horde of buying traffic to your website!
- Perfect for pre-selling! Because you’re already in front of the buyer, you just need to direct them to the right product to make the commission!
- Higher Google quality score! If you’ve ever done PPC before you know that AdWords is getting tougher to crack especially with their quality scoring system. Because you’re advertising a page full of content relevant to your PPC campaign you’ll be instantly rewarded with a higher quality score which can result in lower cost-per-clicks, higher positioning in the ad section and more profit margins for you!
With those reasons alone it makes sense to have an article based website focused around a specific niche and keyword targeted. This gives you a chance to get in front of the right traffic, (the ones who have their credit cards in their hand and some sort of investment in mind), and gently persuade them into the right direction which of course is your recommendation via your affiliate link.
So with that in mind allow me to introduce to you an all-in-one ready-made solution. Introducing eBay Profit Pack:
- Professionally Designed Site! – These days, with so many people jumping on the ‘online business’ bandwagon it’s becoming harder to grab your customer’s attention. We’ve taken special care to make sure that you website makes visitors ‘stick’ and read what’s on your site.
- Automatically Updated Date! – The date gives the sense that your site is updated on a daily basis. This encourages your visitors to come back to your site to finish reading through your articles!
- Packed With Quality Informative Niche-Specific Articles! – With so much spam and e-junk around the net it makes a refreshing change for your visitor to see something or quality! We’ve packed over 30 quality articles into your site to make sure you make a presence and provide REAL information that people are looking for!
- Can Build Your Own Niche List! – The first menu above the articles is ‘Join Our Newsletter’. You simply need to copy and paste your sign-up code in the signup.html page, upload and have your web-capture form instantly showing. It doesn’t matter if you’re using Aweber, GetResponse, ProSender, ConstantContact or any other service.. it will work either way.
- SEO Optimized! – Your site includes all the important SEO elements that help rank it high in the SERPs (search engine results page) to ensure all your pages get indexed and generate the traffic you’re wanting!
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