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Naturally Cure Your Headaches

Are Headaches Taking Your Life Hostage and Preventing You From Living to Your Fullest Potential? Are you tired of being given the run around by doctors who tell you that your headaches or migraines are psychological or that they have no cause that can be treated?

Naturally Cure Your Headaches

Are you sick of calling in sick because you woke up with a headache so bad that you can barely think or see straight?

Do you avoid socializing because that often means the bright lights and noises that might trigger a painful headache that could last for days?

Do you put off sex because your head hurts too much to ever be “in the mood?”

Do you want to throw away those expensive addicting prescr|ptions and over the counter medications that do things like destroy your stomach lining and make you’re sleepy and find other options for treating your headache?

Then you need to read – Naturally Cure Your Headaches!

Learn long term strategies and every day healthful practices that prevent and cure headaches, cluster headaches and migraines!

Let’s face it. There is probably not a human in the entire world who has not ever suffered from a headache at some time in their life.

If you are a healthy individual you probably get a headache occasionally. Getting a headache is a fairly routine occurrence for most people and even though these headaches are annoying they should not interfere with the normal course of your day.

However for some individuals headaches are absolutely disabling and excruciating and so bad that they have to leave work early, cancel social obligations and avoid all living their life like they should!

If you have been surfing the Internet for help with your head pain then you probably suffer from a very common but also very extreme form of headache known as the migraine.

If you are in severe pain it is also possible that you suffer from a rarer but very painful condition known as “cluster” headaches.

Both types of headaches can be completely disabling! In fact, cluster headaches have been known to be so painful that they are sometimes called “suicide headaches.”

Suicide headaches is the right name for them alright! I can identify as I used to be tortured by searing pains through my eyes so badly that I practically wanted to beg someone to cut my head off so I could get away from the agony!

In fact, I was suicidal when I once suffered from cluster headaches every single day for four straight months with no reprieve.

Basically, I just stopped living my life. I revised my entire schedule to humor these tyrannical headaches. I avoided going out in case noise or bright lights triggered an attack. In fact I never went far from home because it was very hard for me to get a cluster headache and the blurry vision that accompanied it and then drive home safely!

I also stopped exercising because I was afraid that the blood that would be coursing through my veins would trigger the pounding in my head. The same thing was true for sex – I began to fear that orgasms would trigger a stabbing pain in my head.

I was in a terrible chronic pain loop and I just could not get out of it. I drove my loved ones crazy with my constant complaining. I was like a broken record to them – “No I cannot do this or that because I have a headache!”

They heard that every day for months and then just stopped inviting me places or including me in their plans because my woes put such a damper on things. I became depressed and isolated which in turn increased my anxiety and stress about trying to live my life despite the terrible pain I was in! The result was that I became trapped in a vicious circle of relentless cluster headache attacks.

To top it off my doctors were prescribing me everything from beta blockers (to narrow the blood vessels that were pounding in my head) to antidepressants (to cheer me up in case anxiety was causing the headaches) to oxycontin (a powerful addictive narcotic that reduced the pain to a dull thud but made me completely dysfunctional in every other way!)

By the time I was done taking all of these medications my headaches were worse, my judgement was off and I had gained a lot of weight! It took me about a year to discover the natural solutions and therapies that would eventually give me the confidence to reduce my dependency on painkillers and live my life without the anxiety that a cluster headache so painful could strike me down at any time!

I wrote this eBook after I successfully found ways to prevent them from happening that were not going to harm my health further and cause excruciating rebound headaches (as was the case with taking something like a Tylenol 3 which is full of codeine) or withdrawal symptoms.

At the time that I wrote it I was about ready to go on disability my headaches were so bad. I thought I had a brain tumor!

Who knew that a person could be in so much pain every day and have absolutely nothing wrong them!

Part of my anxiety about my chronic headaches was not knowing what I was dealing with so my first step when researching this book was to find out all about headaches, how they are classified and diagnosed by professionals and how the members of the medical community are likely to treat them.

In Naturally Cure Your Headaches you get to “know the enemy” through my in depth, yet concise discussions of such topics as –

And much, much more information about how the medical community is going to perceive and diagnose your headache problem and ultimately treat them!

License: Master Resale Rights

Category: Health PLRFile Size:  11.1 MB

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