Inside This Easy To Follow 5 Day Crash Course You Will Be Introduced To The Power Of Content Marketing!
Now doubt you've heard the phrase ‘content is king.' Why? Because no matter what type of business you're in the content you provide to your consumers will be at the core of your marketing plan because it's what builds credibility and loyalty.
Businesses aren't built on first-time visitors. Companies like the Coke-a-cola don't make most of their money from people drinking just one soda.
They make money from people who drank a Coke and then decided it was good enough that they either want to purchase again and again and again. If the business had to get a new customer every time in order to get paid, they'd all have gone under by now.
Yet many people approach their business that way. Instead of focusing on repeat visitors, they focus on optimizing for search engines so they get more new customers.
At the end of the day, however, the famous and successful blogs like Huffington Post or TechCrunch ultimately still get most of their traffic from repeat visitors. Yes, search engines love them, but their businesses would be a fraction of what they are today if they didn't have great content.
For many years, Google and other search engines have worked towards making their search results pull up better and better results. They want people who search on their engines to find the best content possible in relationship to what they're looking for.
As search engines get smarter, marketers who focus primarily on marketing tactics rather than actual content will consistently lose ground to competitors who understand the importance of creating a consistent flow of quality content for their consumers.
Google has proven this repeatedly by continually downgrading the importance of low-quality links and upgrading the importance of usage statistics and other metrics to measure the content of a website.
If you build your website around great content while having a decent understanding of basic SEO, your site will grow. If you put all your attention on SEO and don't pay much attention to your content, you'll always be trying to stay one step ahead of the search engines.
Now let's go over the different forms of content that you can use to grow your business. There are four main types of content: text, graphics, audio and video. Each of these has its own benefits and will appeal to different types audiences.
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