Snail crafts are a fun way to get your kid interested in all creatures, great and small (especially small).
The Beaded Popsicle Stick Snail is a quick DIY kids' craft that's doable for both younger and older age groups. This is a great craft to try after a nature walk or a trip to the zoo. You can make the beaded snail shell with earthy wooden beads, or get creative with colorful pony beads. All the kids will have to do is string them to a pipe cleaner and add some glue and a Popsicle stick. You can even make a whole family of little snails to keep each other company!
x Wooden scoop stick
x 2 brown pipe cleaners
x Wood beads
x Small googly eyes
x Glue
x Hot glue gun (adult supervision required)
1. Start by threading one of your brown pipe cleaners with wooden beads.
2. Curl the end of your pipe cleaner to form a circle and wrap the extra pip cleaner section around the beaded strand to secure it in place. Continue curling and bending the beaded strand around in circles to form a snail shell
3. When you get to the end you’ll have the extra pip cleaner section from the other end showing. Wrap it around the beaded pip cleaner to secure it and hold the beaded snail body in place.
4. Use the hot glue gun (adult supervision required) to glue your bead ed snail body onto the scoop stick.
5. Cut a small section off of your other brown pip cleaner (about ¼ of it) and bend it in half. Curl the ends to make antennae, and then, use the hot glue gun to glue it to the back of the scoop stick at the front.
6. Finish your snail craft by gluing a small googly eye onto its face and add a smile if you’d like!
Running out of activities for your kids to do this summer that don't leave your bank account empty? These fun Popsicle Stick Animal Puppets will allow the kids to make their own fun this summer. This easy kid's craft can be made with Popsicle sticks, paint, and craft foam to make the animals come to life. The kids will love this summer craft idea, and they'll want to put on a show for you and their friends as soon as they complete their own little zoo of puppets. Take it easy with this fun craft for kids. Your house will become a zoo but in a fun and creative way.
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